Green Pikes / Pikes / Caw / Raven’s Crag / The Knott / Stickle Pike / Tarn Hill / Great Stickle / Dunnerdale Fells

Distance (Miles): Ascent (Metres): Time (Hours):
8.94 651 6
Difficulty: Technicality (x/10): Enjoyability (x/10):
Moderate 7 7

Continue reading Green Pikes / Pikes / Caw / Raven’s Crag / The Knott / Stickle Pike / Tarn Hill / Great Stickle / Dunnerdale Fells

Rough Crag (Birker Moor) / Water Crag / The Knott (Stainton Fell) / White Pike (Birkby Fell) / Woodend Height / Yoadcastle / Stainton Pike / Hesk Fell / Seat How (Birker Moor)

Distance (Miles): Ascent (Metres): Time (Hours):
9.50 521 5
Difficulty: Technicality (x/10): Enjoyability (x/10):
Moderate 7 6

Continue reading Rough Crag (Birker Moor) / Water Crag / The Knott (Stainton Fell) / White Pike (Birkby Fell) / Woodend Height / Yoadcastle / Stainton Pike / Hesk Fell / Seat How (Birker Moor)

Mardale Ill Bell / High Street / The Knott (High Street) / High Raise (High Street) / Kidsty Pike

Distance (Miles): Ascent (Metres): Time (Hours):
8.69 827 6
Difficulty: Technicality (x/10): Enjoyability (x/10):
Difficult 5 8

Continue reading Mardale Ill Bell / High Street / The Knott (High Street) / High Raise (High Street) / Kidsty Pike

Rossett Pike / Allen Crags / Red Beck Top / Glaramara / Combe Head / Dovenest Top / Rosthwaite Fell – Bessyboot

Distance (Miles): Ascent (Metres): Time (Hours):
13.23 998 8
Difficulty: Technicality (x/10): Enjoyability (x/10):
Difficult 7 7

Continue reading Rossett Pike / Allen Crags / Red Beck Top / Glaramara / Combe Head / Dovenest Top / Rosthwaite Fell – Bessyboot