Silver How / Blea Rigg / Sergeant Man / High Raise / Thunacar Knott / Pavey Ark / Harrison Stickle / Pike of Stickle / Loft Crag

Distance (Miles): Ascent (Metres): Time (Hours):
12.65 1202 9
Difficulty: Technicality (x/10): Enjoyability (x/10):
Severe 5 7

Continue reading Silver How / Blea Rigg / Sergeant Man / High Raise / Thunacar Knott / Pavey Ark / Harrison Stickle / Pike of Stickle / Loft Crag

Rannerdale Knotts / Whiteless Pike / Wandope / Grasmoor / Hopegill Head / Whiteside East Top / Whiteside

Distance (Miles): Ascent (Metres): Time (Hours):
9.80 1078 7
Difficulty: Technicality (x/10): Enjoyability (x/10):
Difficult 5 6

Continue reading Rannerdale Knotts / Whiteless Pike / Wandope / Grasmoor / Hopegill Head / Whiteside East Top / Whiteside