Yoke / Ill Bell / Froswick / Thornthwaite Crag / High Street / Mardale Ill Bell

Distance (Miles): Ascent (Metres): Time (Hours):
12.34 1007 8
Difficulty: Technicality (x/10): Enjoyability (x/10):
Difficult 5 8

Continue reading Yoke / Ill Bell / Froswick / Thornthwaite Crag / High Street / Mardale Ill Bell

Grisedale Pike / Hobcarton Crag / Hopegill Head / Whiteside East Top / Whiteside / Crag Hill / Sail / Scar Crags / Causey Pike / Outerside / Barrow

Distance (Miles): Ascent (Metres): Time (Hours):
12.59 1374 9
Difficulty: Technicality (x/10): Enjoyability (x/10):
Severe 6 7

Continue reading Grisedale Pike / Hobcarton Crag / Hopegill Head / Whiteside East Top / Whiteside / Crag Hill / Sail / Scar Crags / Causey Pike / Outerside / Barrow

Walna Scar / Dow Crag / The Old Man of Coniston / Brim Fell / Grey Friar / Great Carrs / Swirl How / Wetherlam / Black Sails

Distance (Miles): Ascent (Metres): Time (Hours):
12.85 1245 9
Difficulty: Technicality (x/10): Enjoyability (x/10):
Severe 5 8

Continue reading Walna Scar / Dow Crag / The Old Man of Coniston / Brim Fell / Grey Friar / Great Carrs / Swirl How / Wetherlam / Black Sails

Grey Crag / Tarn Crag (Sleddale) / Harter Fell (Mardale) / Kentmere Pike / Shipman Knotts

Distance (Miles): Ascent (Metres): Time (Hours):
9.31 856 6
Difficulty: Technicality (x/10): Enjoyability (x/10):
Difficult 7 6

Continue reading Grey Crag / Tarn Crag (Sleddale) / Harter Fell (Mardale) / Kentmere Pike / Shipman Knotts